Indian Government Advises Citizens Against Traveling to Iran and Israel Amid Regional Tensions: MEA

New Delhi: The Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) issued a travel advisory on Friday, urging Indian nationals to refrain from traveling to Iran or Israel until further notice due to the ongoing situation in the region.

In the advisory, the MEA also advised Indian citizens currently residing in these countries to contact Indian embassies and register themselves. Additionally, they were urged to exercise extreme caution for their safety and minimize their movements.

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The advisory comes amidst escalating tensions between Israel and Iran, fueled by recent incidents such as the killings of Iranian generals in a blast at the Iranian consulate in Syria.

Israel’s foreign minister had previously issued a warning, stating that Israel would directly retaliate against Iran if the Islamic Republic initiated an attack from its territory.

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Meanwhile, in a bid to address labor shortages in Israel’s construction sector resulting from the Israel-Hamas conflict, over 6,000 Indian workers are expected to arrive in Israel during April and May.

Under a government-to-government (G2G) agreement, the first batch of around 60 workers from India has already been sent via an “air shuttle” in early April. Subsequent arrivals, totaling around 850 workers by mid-April, are anticipated in the coming weeks.

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