U.S. Agencies Aware of Wuhan Virus Creation in 2018, Newly Revealed Documents

The virus was intended to be engineered within the Wuhan Institute of Virology, raising concerns due to its proximity to the initial COVID-19 outbreak.

In a startling turn of events, newly surfaced documents obtained by Senator Rand Paul have uncovered a covert project, shedding light on China’s creation of a virus akin to COVID-19 as early as 2018. The documents reveal the existence of a group named DEFUSE, which sought funding from multiple U.S. agencies to engineer a virus with similarities to the notorious coronavirus.

This clandestine endeavour aimed to develop the virus within the confines of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a detail that raises eyebrows given the institute’s proximity to the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Among the revelations, the documents implicate Dr. Anthony Fauci, a prominent figure in the fight against COVID-19, as a partner in the project. Moreover, the documents highlight a glaring omission: despite the knowledge of 15 U.S. agencies about the project, not a single effort was made to inform the public about the potential risks associated with such research.

As this revelation sends shockwaves across the nation, questions arise about transparency and accountability within the scientific community and the need for rigorous oversight to prevent similar occurrences in the future. Stay tuned as this story continues to unfold.

Key Points of this News

  1. China’s 2018 Virus Creation: Newly released documents obtained by Senator Rand Paul reveal that China initiated a project in 2018 aimed at engineering a virus similar to COVID-19.
  2. Involvement of U.S. Agencies: The documents indicate that a group called DEFUSE sought funding from multiple U.S. agencies for this project.
  3. Wuhan Institute of Virology Involvement: The virus was intended to be engineered within the Wuhan Institute of Virology, raising concerns due to its proximity to the initial COVID-19 outbreak.
  4. Dr. Fauci’s Connection: Dr. Anthony Fauci, a prominent figure in the fight against COVID-19, is implicated as a partner in the project.
  5. Lack of Public Disclosure: Despite the knowledge of 15 U.S. agencies about the project, no effort was made to inform the public about the potential risks associated with such research.
  6. Transparency and Accountability Concerns: This revelation raises questions about transparency and accountability within the scientific community, emphasizing the need for rigorous oversight to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

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