Backlash Erupts Over ‘Whites-Only’ Party at Russian-Run Nightclub in Sri Lanka

Colombo: A wave of massive outrage swept through Sri Lanka following the announcement of a “white only” party, prompting the organizer to issue an apology. The controversial event was slated to take place at the Sarayka Lounge, nestled in the scenic resort town of Unawatuna, and allegedly coincided with the second anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine war on February 24.

As per media reports, a Russian business owner endeavored to organize a ‘White-only’ gathering in a renowned resort town in the island nation. The party stirred widespread condemnation due to its racially charged advertisement, which included the line “Face control: White,” implying that participation was restricted to individuals of Caucasian descent. Furthermore, it was promoted as a white dress code affair.

An image of the advertisement circulated on various social media platforms, sparking fury among users who interpreted it as a blatant exclusion of non-white attendees.

According to reports, the event purportedly took place last weekend at the Sarayka Lounge, situated in the bustling beach town of Unawatuna. Local residents joined the chorus of disapproval, with one restaurant owner remarking, “I know not all expats are like this… but this sort of thing should be stopped fast and stopped hard.”

In response to the mounting backlash, the lounge management announced the cancellation of the party and unequivocally denounced any endorsement of racist ideologies. In a statement, they expressed regret, stating, “We apologize! The party planned for Saturday will not take place. We have urgently canceled this event.”

“Furthermore, we have terminated our association with the organizers responsible for planning this event at our venue,” the statement affirmed.

A purported event organizer, identified as geo_ecstatic on Instagram, asserted that there was no ill intent or racial bias behind the party’s organization. However, he disclosed facing a barrage of abuse and threats, compelling him to leave the country.

“We aimed to connect with long-term expatriates who harbor deep affection for Sri Lanka. With the support of the team, we hastily arranged the event,” he explained.

“I underestimated the sensitivity surrounding this occasion for numerous individuals. I acknowledge that it was a misguided endeavor… and I comprehend that we exacerbated the situation due to our own folly. I offer heartfelt apologies to all who were offended,” he added.

Amid the uproar, authorities in the South Asian nation announced the revocation of long-term tourist visa extensions.

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