India’s EAM Jaishankar Stresses Russia’s Tradition of Statecraft Amid Shifting Alliances

New Delhi: In an insightful address at the Raisina Dialogue, India’s External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, offered a nuanced perspective on Russia’s evolving geopolitical stance, emphasizing its rich tradition of statecraft and its pivot towards Asia and non-Western regions.

Responding to queries regarding Russia’s deepening ties with Beijing, Jaishankar advocated for a multifaceted approach towards engaging Russia, cautioning against unilateral approaches that could limit its options. He underscored the significance of Asian nations forging robust connections with Russia, given its historical penchant for maintaining diverse diplomatic relationships.

Jaishankar highlighted the repercussions of Western policies, which have inadvertently driven Russia closer to China. He noted the irony of Western powers fostering the convergence of Russia and China while simultaneously cautioning against it.

Despite ongoing global developments, Jaishankar reiterated India’s enduring friendship with Russia, emphasizing the stability and warmth characterizing their bilateral relations. He reaffirmed India’s stance on the Ukraine crisis, emphasizing the need for diplomatic resolutions.

Furthermore, Jaishankar shed light on India’s proactive role during its G20 presidency, particularly in advocating for the inclusion of the African Union as a permanent member—a move reflective of India’s commitment to fostering inclusive global governance.

In conclusion, Jaishankar articulated India’s foreign policy priorities, ranging from combating terrorism to promoting sustainable practices and enhancing global welfare. He emphasized India’s proactive engagement on the global stage, showcasing its contributions across various domains, from agriculture to renewable energy, as it seeks to assert its influence and ideals on the international arena.

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