Jalgaon, Maharashtra – In a horrific turn of events, passengers of the Pushpak Express were struck by the Karnataka Express near Paranda Railway Station in Jalgaon district. The incident unfolded when passengers, alarmed by rumors of a fire on their train, leaped from their coaches onto the tracks in an attempt to escape.
The tragedy occurred when the Karnataka Express, traveling on an adjacent track, collided with several of the passengers standing outside their coaches. Initial reports confirm at least 8 fatalities, although the exact number of casualties and the identities of those involved are still under verification as rescue operations continue.
Railway officials and emergency services have swiftly responded to the scene, with efforts now focused on assessing the full extent of the damage and providing aid to the injured. An investigation into the cause of the false fire alarm has also been initiated to understand how the rumor started and to prevent such incidents in the future.
This incident underscores the dangers of panic in railway environments and the critical need for accurate communication during emergencies. More details are expected as the situation develops.
Key Points:
- Tragic Incident at Jalgaon: Passengers from Pushpak Express were hit by the Karnataka Express at Paranda Railway Station.
- Cause of Panic: False rumors of a fire led passengers to jump from the train, seeking safety.
- Casualties: At least 8 fatalities reported, with ongoing efforts to confirm the total number of casualties.
- Emergency Response: Railway officials and emergency services are on the scene, managing rescue operations.
- Investigation: An inquiry has been launched to trace the origin of the false fire alarm.
- Location: The accident took place in Jalgaon district, Maharashtra.