Israel Prepares for Potential Invasion of Lebanon as Army Chief Briefs Troops

General Halevi highlighted the mission’s aim to secure northern residents' return, following mass evacuations amid rising tensions.

Tel Aviv: The Israeli military may be gearing up for a ground invasion of Lebanon, as ongoing strikes against Hezbollah in the region intensify. Israeli Army Chief, General Herzi Halevi, indicated that current airstrikes are part of a broader strategy, hinting at the possibility of a ground incursion into enemy territory.

“You hear the jets overhead; we have been striking all day,” General Halevi told the soldiers.

“This is both to prepare the ground for your possible entry and to continue degrading Hezbollah,” he reportedly added.

General Halevi emphasized that the primary goal of the operation would be to “safely return the residents of the north,” as thousands of Israelis have been evacuated from border areas due to escalating tensions.

“To achieve that, we are preparing the process of a manoeuvre, which means your military boots, your manoeuvring boots, will enter enemy territory, enter villages that Hezbollah has prepared as large military outposts, with underground infrastructure, staging points, and launchpads into our territory and carry out attacks on Israeli civilians,” he explained.

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He also stressed the significance of the mission, adding: “You will go in, destroy the enemy there, and decisively destroy their infrastructure.”

This statement follows Israel’s decision to mobilize reserve brigades to the northern border with Lebanon on Wednesday, as part of “operational missions” in response to the rising threat from Hezbollah.

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