Kim Leads North Korea’s Latest Missile Launches, Calling for Enhanced Nuclear Strength

The Wednesday tests included the launch of the new tactical ballistic missile Hwasongpho-11-Da-4.5.

Pyongyang: North Korea has conducted new tests of tactical ballistic missiles equipped with super-large warheads and modified cruise missiles under the direction of leader Kim Jong Un, according to state news agency KCNA. Kim emphasized the need for stronger conventional weapons and enhanced nuclear capabilities to counter what he described as “the grave threat posed by outside forces” to the country’s security.

The report from KCNA likely refers to the multiple short-range ballistic missile launches observed by the South Korean military on Wednesday, marking the second instance of missile tests by North Korea within a week. The previous week saw North Korea’s unprecedented public disclosure of a uranium enrichment facility, underscoring its commitment to advancing its nuclear program.

Kim Jong Un underscored “the need to continue to bolster up the nuclear force and have the strongest military technical capability and overwhelming offensive capability in the field of conventional weapons too,” as quoted by KCNA. This statement aligns with North Korea’s ongoing strategy to develop a robust arsenal capable of both nuclear and conventional warfare.

The Wednesday tests included the launch of the new tactical ballistic missile Hwasongpho-11-Da-4.5. According to KCNA, this missile is part of a series of short-range ballistic missiles North Korea has been developing, some of which are believed to have been exported to Russia. Ukrainian officials and independent experts have observed indications that some missiles used by Russia in the war against Ukraine were of North Korean origin. KCNA reported that the Hwasongpho-11-Da-4.5 was equipped with a 4.5-ton super-large conventional warhead, indicating a significant enhancement in its offensive capabilities.

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Additionally, the tests featured an upgraded strategic cruise missile designed for combat use. This development further reflects North Korea’s intent to expand and refine its missile capabilities amid growing regional tensions.

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North Korea has consistently criticized joint military exercises conducted by South Korea and the United States, labeling them as preparations for war on the Korean peninsula. Despite these criticisms, the allies assert that these drills are defensive in nature, aimed at maintaining readiness against any potential North Korean aggression. The recent tests underscore the delicate balance in the region, as both sides continue to strengthen their military postures.

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