Russia Claims Telegram Boss Durov’s Independence Led to His Arrest

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov assured last week that there were no direct negotiations between the Kremlin and Durov regarding the case.

Moscow: Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram who was recently detained in France, is facing scrutiny due to his “too free” management style, according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov, speaking at Moscow’s prestigious MGIMO University, suggested that Durov’s independent approach to operating the social media platform contributed to his current predicament.

Last week, a French judge placed Durov under formal investigation for alleged complicity in running an online platform that could facilitate illicit activities, including drug trafficking, child exploitation, and fraud. Durov, who is Russian-born and holds passports from France and the United Arab Emirates, has faced accusations that he should be held responsible for crimes committed through the app, which boasts nearly 1 billion users globally and is especially popular in Russia and former Soviet states.

Durov’s legal team has dismissed these accusations, labeling them as “absurd” and emphasizing that he should not be held accountable for illegal activities conducted on Telegram. Lavrov, echoing the Kremlin’s stance, argued that the investigation into Durov is part of a broader Western political strategy to undermine Russia’s influence.

“Pavel Durov was too free,” Lavrov remarked. “He didn’t heed Western advice on moderating his brainchild.”

Russia has strongly supported Durov, especially after enduring years of pressure on him and his technological ventures. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov assured last week that there were no direct negotiations between the Kremlin and Durov regarding the case. Peskov emphasized that the primary concern was to prevent the situation in France from evolving into a political persecution.

“The main thing is that what is happening in France does not turn into political persecution,” Peskov stated. “We know that the president of France has denied any connection (of the case) with politics, but on the other hand, certain accusations are being made.”

French President Emmanuel Macron has denied any political motives behind Durov’s detention. Lavrov has indicated that Durov’s arrest represents a new low in Moscow-Paris relations, marking it as the first time a major tech CEO has faced such international legal challenges.

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