In a startling series of events, a 24-year-old man from Soura village in Uttar Pradesh’s Fatehpur district has survived six snake bites within a span of one and a half months. Each time, he was rushed to the hospital for treatment and managed to recover. The first incident occurred on June 2 when Vikas Dubey was bitten after getting out of bed at his house. Following the initial attack, Dubey was treated at a nearby hospital. However, between June 2 and July 6, he was bitten a total of six times by snakes.
After the fourth snakebite, doctors advised Dubey to leave his house. He relocated to his aunt’s house in Radhanagar, but even there, he was bitten again for the fifth time. Despite these repeated attacks, Dubey has shown remarkable resilience and has walked out of the hospital each time after recovering.
Authorities are now investigating why Dubey has been repeatedly targeted by snakes, considering possible factors such as environmental changes or an unusually high snake population in the area. Local villagers are also taking extra precautions to protect themselves from similar incidents. Dubey’s extraordinary story has captured widespread attention, highlighting the challenges faced by rural communities in dealing with wildlife threats.