Meta Removes Over 17 Million Pieces of Content in India, Highlights Compliance Efforts

According to Meta, Facebook received 17,124 reports through the Indian grievance mechanism in April.

New Delhi: Meta reported a significant purge of objectionable content across its platforms in India during April. The company revealed that it removed over 11.6 million pieces of violating content from Facebook and more than 5.4 million pieces from Instagram, encompassing various policy breaches.

In compliance with the IT (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, Meta disclosed these figures in its monthly report. According to Meta, Facebook received 17,124 reports through the Indian grievance mechanism in April. The company facilitated the resolution of user issues in 9,977 cases, offering channels to report specific violations, self-remediation flows, and assistance for hacked accounts.

Meta stated, “Of the other 7,147 reports where specialized review was needed, we analyzed content as per our policies and took action on 4,303 complaints in total. The remaining 2,844 grievances were reviewed but may not have been actioned.”

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On Instagram, Meta received 12,924 reports through the Indian grievance mechanism. “Of these, we provided tools for users to resolve their issues in 5,941 cases,” the company disclosed. Regarding the remaining 6,983 reports requiring specialized review, Meta analyzed content and took action on 3,206 complaints, while the remaining 3,777 reports underwent review but might not have been acted upon.

Under the new IT Rules 2021, major digital and social media platforms with over 5 million users are mandated to publish monthly compliance reports. Meta clarified that the metrics include the number of pieces of content (such as posts, photos, videos, or comments) acted upon for violating standards, which could involve removal or covering content deemed disturbing to some audiences with warnings.

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