Kolkata: Notable Bengali film and television actor Rishi Kaushik is set to receive this year’s prestigious “Starlight Ananya Samman” for “Best Stylish Actor” in the Bengali television and film industry. This news has been confirmed by renowned actor Payel Sarkar, owner of Payel Sarkar Organisation Pvt Ltd, the producer of this mega event.
The Assamese actor is highly popular among Bengali audiences and has delivered stellar performances in many films and web series, such as Feluda Pherot (2020) Season 1, Kranti, Chander Bari, Villain, Mirza, and Paashbalish. Kaushik made his debut in the Assamese-language movie Rong in 2004. He has also proven his talent in many popular television shows, including Ekdin Pratidin, Ekhane Akash Neel, Sona Roder Gaan, and Ishti Kutum. He has been selected for the “Best Stylish Actor” award by audience vote.
The “Starlight Ananya Samman 2024” is scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 15th, at the Rabindra Tirtha Auditorium Hall in Rajarhat-Newtown, where luminaries from the Bengali film and television industry will be felicitated.
The event is produced by the popular Bengali actress, philanthropist, and activist Payel Sarkar. This marks the third year of this mega event, with sponsorship provided by Sudarshan Maity, owner of Executive Furniture.