Estonian Acrobat Jaan Roose Becomes First to Cross from Asia to Europe on Tightrope

The tightrope was suspended over the 15 July Martyrs Bridge in Istanbul, above the Bosphorus Strait.

Estonian slackliner Jaan Roose made history by completing a daring transcontinental crossing on a tightrope, suspended high above Istanbul’s Bosphorus Strait. Roose walked 1,074 meters from Asia to Europe across the 15 July Martyrs Bridge at an altitude of 165 meters above sea level, becoming the first person to achieve such a feat.

The event, part of the Continental Pass, took place on 15 September and was reported by Turkish media outlets including Hurriyet Daily News and TRT World. Roose, a Red Bull athlete, completed the crossing in 47 minutes, meticulously balancing on the rope while being secured by a safety line.

Supported by Turkey’s Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and the General Directorate of Highways, Roose began his walk at 6:00 p.m. from the Asian side of the Bosphorus Bridge. The rope, spanning 1,074 meters, sagged by 35 to 40 meters in the middle, adding to the challenge. Wind conditions and the weight of the rope, estimated at several hundred kilos, further tested Roose’s skills.

“The Bosphorus has thousands of years of cultural value and incredible natural beauty. Combining this with variable weather conditions and strong sea currents, it became a unique place for a tightrope crossing,” Roose said after completing the historic walk. “I’m very happy to have made this crossing.”

Footage of the event quickly went viral, showing Roose’s cautious yet determined manoeuvres across the rope as he crossed continents, marking a new milestone in the world of slacklining.

Key Points:

Jaan Roose’s Achievement: Estonian slackliner became the first person to cross from Asia to Europe on a tightrope.

Location: The tightrope was suspended over the 15 July Martyrs Bridge in Istanbul, above the Bosphorus Strait.

Distance and Altitude: Roose walked 1,074 meters at an altitude of 165 meters above sea level.

Time Taken: He completed the crossing in 47 minutes.

Support and Organization: The event was supported by Turkey’s Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and the General Directorate of Highways.

Challenges: The rope sagged by 35-40 meters in the middle, and wind conditions added to the difficulty of the feat.

Significance: Roose highlighted the cultural and natural beauty of the Bosphorus, making the crossing unique and historic.

Viral Footage: A video showing Roose’s careful tightrope crossing went viral, capturing global attention.

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