Ethnic Strife Escalates: 5,000 Buddhist and Hindu Homes Destroyed in Myanmar

Naypyidaw: Myanmar remains embroiled in a dire situation marked by escalating conflicts between the military-led Junta army and various ethnic rebel factions, particularly in the volatile Rakhine state.

Communal tensions have intensified, evidenced by the widespread destruction of nearly 5,000 houses belonging to Buddhists and Hindus in Buthidaung, a mere 25 km from the Bangladesh border.

“These 5,000 houses were targeted based on religious affiliations, belonging to Buddhists and Hindus. While many residents had sought refuge in safer areas, those who remained witnessed their homes being looted and razed before their eyes. Recruits, including young boys from Rohingya camps in Bangladesh, are reportedly involved in these activities,” a source revealed.

The spate of destruction occurred between April 11th and 21st, resulting in the complete control of Buthidaung by the ethnic rebel group Arakan Army.

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Contrary to the communal divide, reports indicate that a significant portion of the local Muslim population in Buthidaung and Maungdaw township rejects the violence and seeks assistance from ethnic rebels to relocate to safer regions.

“In the 2018 census, Buthidaung recorded 3,000 houses. This figure has surged to over 10,000 as displaced individuals from other regions seek refuge here. Approximately half of the residents are Muslims, with the remainder comprising various ethnic groups, including Buddhists and Hindus,” another source disclosed.

The resurgence of communal tensions in Rakhine state recalls the strife over a decade ago, which precipitated the mass exodus of Rohingyas, many of whom sought sanctuary in neighboring Bangladesh.

“Some Rohingya individuals from refugee camps are reportedly coerced into conscription. Despite attempts to flee, others are compelled to engage in civilian conflict. This divisive strategy exacerbates the situation,” the source added.

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Amidst the turmoil, thousands of youths from Myanmar have sought refuge in safer areas, some even crossing borders to evade forced recruitment.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh’s Foreign Minister, Hasan Mahmud, expressed hope for the repatriation of Rohingya refugees sheltered in Bangladesh, noting that over one million Rohingyas reside there. Reports indicate 138 Myanmar military personnel, including a lieutenant colonel and two majors, have sought refuge in Bangladesh.

“They will be repatriated in the same manner as other military personnel,” Mahmud stated, emphasizing the Rohingya’s desire to return.

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However, displaced individuals grapple with survival challenges due to a lack of basic livelihood resources.

The onset of monsoon season in Myanmar offers a temporary respite, limiting mobility and reducing ground clashes for approximately two months.

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