Steven Spielberg Joins Biden’s Re-Election Campaign as New Campaign Advisor

Spielberg has already participated in meetings with convention organizers, indicating his hands-on involvement in shaping the campaign's strategy and direction.

Renowned filmmaker Steven Spielberg is stepping up his support for Joe Biden’s reelection bid, with confirmed involvement in strategic planning for the campaign and the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago this August, according to Deadline.

A well-placed source revealed that Spielberg is deeply committed to assisting President Biden, recognizing the upcoming election as one of the nation’s most pivotal moments in history.

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While Spielberg will not be directing a short film about Biden for the convention, as he did for John Kerry in 2004 and Barack Obama in 2008, he is actively collaborating with key advisors to effectively communicate the president’s achievements and vision to viewers and delegates.

When contacted by Deadline, representatives for Spielberg declined to comment on his participation in the Biden campaign.

Scheduled for August 19-22 in Chicago, the 2024 DNC will host over 5,000 delegates from all 50 states and U.S. territories. With Biden securing his renomination and Vice President Kamala Harris standing alongside him, the convention presents Democrats with a prime opportunity to present their case to voters.

Spielberg has already demonstrated his support for the Biden-Harris ticket by co-hosting a mega-fundraiser on December 8. This event, attended by other prominent figures such as Kate Capshaw, Shonda Rhimes, Rick Caruso, and Peter and Megan Chernin, signals Hollywood’s significant role in Democratic fundraising efforts.

In addition to his involvement in the Biden campaign, Spielberg maintains close ties with Jeffrey Katzenberg, a co-chair of Biden’s reelection campaign and co-founder of DreamWorks. Katzenberg’s influence and fundraising efforts further underscore Spielberg’s deep connections within political and entertainment circles.

While Spielberg’s upcoming film projects remain undisclosed, his commitment to supporting Biden’s reelection underscores the high stakes of the upcoming election and the influential role Hollywood plays in shaping political outcomes.

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