China’s Space Capabilities Surging, Concern Mounting

China has tripled the number of intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance satellites in orbit over the past six years, signaling significant progress in its space program.

US Space Command Chief Warns of China’s Rapid Military Advances in Space. In a press briefing on Wednesday, General Stephen Whiting, head of the US Space Command, expressed concerns over China’s swiftly evolving military capabilities in space. Whiting highlighted China’s significant advancements, including the tripling of intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance satellites over the past six years.

Whiting emphasized the speed at which China is developing counter-space weapons, posing a risk to U.S. space capabilities. He described China as the United States’ primary “pacing challenge” and noted how Beijing’s space advancements have bolstered the precision, lethality, and range of its terrestrial forces.

Recent military reforms in China, including the establishment of an information support force within the People’s Liberation Army, further underline China’s commitment to enhancing its space and information warfare capabilities, according to Whiting.

Acknowledging China’s ambitious space goals, such as sending astronauts to the Moon and establishing a research base by 2030, Whiting urged for greater transparency from China regarding its civilian and military space activities. He expressed hopes for more openness to ensure that China’s space endeavors remain focused on exploration and scientific research.

Despite China’s claims of pursuing cooperative and scientifically driven space projects, Whiting underscored the lack of transparency in China’s space initiatives, raising concerns about potential military components within its space program.

As China continues to invest heavily in its military-run space program, Whiting stressed the importance of international cooperation and transparency to ensure the peaceful exploration and use of space.

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