US Plans Deployment of Medium-Range Missile Launchers in Asia-Pacific: A Clear Warning to China

Washington: In a strategic move perceived as a direct warning to China, the United States is making preparations to deploy medium-range missile launchers across the Asia-Pacific region. This decision is aimed at bolstering the US military presence in response to China’s ongoing military advancements in the region.

The US intends to deploy ground-based systems capable of launching SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles, significantly enhancing its strike capabilities in the area. This decision comes amidst concerns that the current missile capabilities of the US Navy are insufficient to counter China’s growing military prowess.

Missile Capabilities

The SM-6 is specifically designed for extended-range anti-air warfare, boasting an operational range of over 240km, while the Tomahawk is a subsonic cruise missile capable of striking targets up to 2,500km away, according to a report by the South China Morning Post.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has strongly opposed this deployment, arguing that it represents an attempt to establish “unilateral military superiority” at China’s doorstep, thus undermining regional peace and stability. Spokeswoman Mao Ning reiterated China’s defensive posture, emphasizing that China has no interest in engaging in a military power struggle.

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Experts believe that these deployments serve not only to project power but also to enhance multi-domain operational capabilities in anticipation of potential Chinese actions, such as an invasion of Taiwan.

The use of land-based launchers, similar to the Typhon system operational in Guam, provides advantages in terms of mobility and reduced detectability compared to naval vessels and aircraft. This makes them more challenging for adversaries to locate and neutralize.

With these systems poised for deployment, the US aims to effectively defend strategic locations and counter Chinese military movements across critical areas like the Taiwan Strait.

The US withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 2019, citing Russian violations and the need to counter China’s missile capabilities, thereby laying the groundwork for these forthcoming deployments.

According to Pentagon assessments, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force maintains a significant arsenal of intermediate and medium-range ballistic missiles, providing China with a clear geographic and numerical advantage over the US in the region.

This strategic military upgrade by the US seeks to balance China’s growing influence and assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific, ensuring stability and deterring potential conflicts in key areas like the Taiwan Strait.

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