US Delivers Seized Iranian Weapons to Ukraine Amidst Ammunition Shortage

Washington: The US military disclosed on Tuesday that it has supplied Ukraine with a cache of small arms and ammunition confiscated en route from Iranian forces to Yemeni rebels backed by Tehran.

Last week’s delivery comes at a critical juncture for Ukraine, grappling with severe ammunition shortages exacerbated by Republican senators in the US blocking fresh aid. However, while the shipment addresses immediate needs, Kyiv’s demand for essential supplies such as artillery and air defense weapons remains unmet.

In a statement shared on social media, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced, “The US government transferred over 5,000 AK-47s, machine guns, sniper rifles, RPG-7s, and over 500,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces on Thursday.”

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Highlighting the significance of the transfer, CENTCOM asserted that these weapons will bolster Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s ongoing invasion, providing enough material to equip a brigade.

The arms and ammunition were seized between May 2021 and February 2023 from four “stateless vessels” during their transit from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to Yemen’s Huthi rebels, CENTCOM revealed.

“The government obtained ownership of these munitions on December 1, 2023, through the Department of Justice’s civil forfeiture claims,” the statement added.

The Huthis’ targeting of vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November 2023, purportedly in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, poses a significant international security challenge, endangering major shipping lanes.

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Expressing concern over Iran’s support for armed groups, CENTCOM affirmed, “Iran’s support for armed groups threatens international and regional security, our forces, diplomatic personnel, and citizens in the region, as well as those of our partners. We will continue to do whatever we can to shed light on and stop Iran’s destabilizing activities.”

This recent transfer follows a similar one made to Ukraine in early October, where 1.1 million rounds of 7.62mm ammunition seized from Iranian forces en route to Yemen were provided.

However, crucial deliveries of artillery and air defense munitions to Ukraine have been hindered by Republican lawmakers stalling a $60 billion support package in the US Congress since last year. Consequently, Kyiv’s troops have had to ration ammunition amid uncertainty over future deliveries.

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In an effort to alleviate the situation, the United States announced a $300 million assistance package for Kyiv on March 12, which included anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons along with artillery shells. Yet, the aid was cautioned to be limited and funded through savings from the Pentagon’s budget, circumventing the congressional deadlock.

Despite the challenges, US officials have been at the forefront of rallying international support for Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in 2022, mobilizing aid from numerous countries. Washington remains Kyiv’s largest security aid contributor, having committed tens of billions of dollars since the onset of the invasion.

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