US Initiates Historic Humanitarian Airdrop in Gaza Following Biden’s Vow

Three C-130 aircraft deployed, distributing 66 bundles of essential supplies, including meals, over Gaza. US military aircraft air-dropped 38,000 meals in aid into Gaza

USA Conducts First Humanitarian Airdrop into Gaza in Response to President Joe Biden’s Pledge. In a significant response to President Joe Biden’s unwavering pledge to intensify aid efforts in Gaza, the United States conducted its maiden humanitarian airdrop into the besieged territory on Saturday.

As confirmed by two US officials, three C-130 aircraft were deployed to distribute essential supplies over Gaza, comprising a total of 66 bundles, with each aircraft releasing 22 bundles containing vital meals. Notably, the aid package did not encompass water or medical provisions.

Expressing frustration over the sluggish pace of aid delivery into Gaza, President Biden, during a joint address with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, emphasized the imperative of expediting assistance to save innocent lives, particularly children, amidst ongoing ceasefire negotiations.

Saturday’s operation marked a significant departure for the United States, aligning with similar efforts by Jordan and the United Arab Emirates. However, prior to the announcement, criticism from aid agencies underscored doubts about the effectiveness of airdrops in addressing the acute humanitarian crisis.

The decision to proceed with the airdrop followed a tragic incident where over 115 Palestinians lost their lives, with hundreds more injured in clashes at an aid site. While Israel cited a stampede during the chaos as the primary cause of casualties, Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry reported a substantial number of gunshot wounds among the victims.

Despite initial reservations about the efficacy of airdrops, the Biden administration authorized the operation in response to mounting pressure to alleviate Palestinian suffering. Emphasizing the supplementary nature of airdrops, officials reiterated the significance of ground routes as the primary avenue for aid delivery, with ongoing efforts to enhance assistance through established border crossings.

Moreover, discussions surrounding increased aid to Gaza coincide with broader diplomatic initiatives aimed at brokering an extended ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Additionally, Biden sought to reassure European allies of unwavering support for Ukraine, amid challenges in securing passage of a foreign aid package in Congress.

Amidst the persisting humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the US’s inaugural airdrop underscores a renewed commitment to addressing the urgent needs of the Palestinian population, as diplomatic efforts continue to seek lasting solutions to the conflict.

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