Record 7.3 Million Migrants Cross Southwest Border During Biden Presidency

If the trend continues, fiscal year 2024 is projected to surpass the previous year's record of 2,475,669 southwest border encounters.

In a staggering revelation, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has disclosed that nearly 7.3 million migrants have illegally crossed the southwest border during President Biden’s tenure, surpassing the populations of 36 individual states.

Since the commencement of the current fiscal year in October, there have been 961,537 reported border encounters, indicating a relentless influx of illegal immigration. If this trend persists, the fiscal year 2024 is poised to eclipse last year’s record of 2,475,669 southwest border encounters, a figure surpassing even the population of New Mexico, a border state.

The cumulative number of southwest land border encounters since Biden assumed office in 2021 stands at a staggering 7,298,486, according to CBP data.

To put this into perspective, this figure exceeds the populations of 36 U.S. states, including populous ones like Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Comparatively, it represents approximately 18.7% of California’s population, 23.9% of Texas, and 32.3% of Florida’s population. Astonishingly, it outnumbers the combined populations of several large states.

If these illegal immigrants were to form a city, it would be the second-largest in America, trailing only New York City. Notably, this total excludes an estimated 1.8 million “gotaways” who managed to evade law enforcement, potentially making the collective population even larger than that of New York City.

Critics of the Biden administration argue that such unprecedented levels of illegal immigration could only occur through a deliberate laxity in law enforcement. Eric Ruark, Director of Research for Numbers USA, asserts, “This unprecedented surge in illegal immigration isn’t an accident. It is the result of deliberate policy choices by the Biden administration.”

Despite mounting pressure and criticism, the Department of Homeland Security has remained silent on the matter, declining to offer a comment.

Republicans and anti-illegal immigration activists place blame squarely on President Biden for reversing the border policies of former President Donald Trump, a move they argue has fueled the current crisis. However, the administration attributes the surge to external factors such as violence and economic instability in South and Central America.

Critics counter that lenient policies under the Biden administration, including catch-and-release and offering temporary work permits to asylum seekers, have created a significant “pull” factor, enticing migrants to enter the U.S. illegally.

President Biden has called on Congress to pass new legislation to address the border crisis, endorsing a bipartisan deal in the Senate. However, conservatives oppose such measures, arguing that Biden already possesses the authority to reinstate Trump-era policies and secure the border.

Amidst this contentious debate, House Republicans have taken a drastic step by impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for allegedly failing to enforce immigration laws. The Biden administration has condemned the move as politically motivated, emphasizing its commitment to upholding existing laws.

As the nation grapples with one of the most significant challenges at its borders, the debate over immigration policy continues to intensify, with both sides entrenched in their positions.

Intake of this News

  1. Record-breaking Immigration Numbers: Nearly 7.3 million migrants have crossed the southwest border illegally during President Biden’s tenure, surpassing the populations of 36 individual U.S. states.
  2. Continued Surge: In the current fiscal year, there have been over 961,537 reported border encounters, indicating a persistent influx of illegal immigration.
  3. Potential Record Year: If the trend continues, fiscal year 2024 is projected to surpass the previous year’s record of 2,475,669 southwest border encounters.
  4. Cumulative Figures: Since Biden took office in 2021, there have been 7,298,486 southwest land border encounters.
  5. The magnitude of the Issue: The number of illegal immigrants crossing the border exceeds the populations of numerous U.S. states and represents a significant proportion of the populations of large states like California, Texas, and Florida.
  6. Policy Criticisms: Critics attribute the surge to deliberate policy choices by the Biden administration, including lenient enforcement and reversal of Trump-era border policies.
  7. Administration Response: The Department of Homeland Security has not provided a comment on the issue.
  8. Debate Over Causes: While the administration blames external factors like violence and economic instability in South and Central America, critics argue that lenient policies have created a “pull” factor for migrants.
  9. Call for Legislative Action: President Biden has urged Congress to pass new legislation to address the crisis, but conservatives oppose such measures, advocating for a reinstatement of Trump-era policies.
  10. Impeachment and Political Response: House Republicans have impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for allegedly failing to enforce immigration laws, a move criticized by the Biden administration as politically motivated.
  11. Ongoing Debate: The immigration policy debate remains heated, with both sides entrenched in their positions as the nation grapples with one of its most significant border challenges.

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