Exciting news for Bollywood fans as Kiara Advani joins the cast of the highly anticipated ‘Don 3’ alongside Ranveer Singh. Directed by Farhan Akhtar and produced by Ritesh Sidhwani, the third installment of the iconic Don franchise promises a thrilling cinematic experience, set to hit theaters in 2025.
Speculations have been rife since Farhan Akhtar’s announcement of ‘Don 3’ with Ranveer Singh in 2023, sparking curiosity about the leading lady. Finally, the suspense has been lifted as Akhtar revealed Kiara Advani’s pivotal role in the film. Previously portrayed by Priyanka Chopra in ‘Don 2,’ this role marks a significant milestone for Advani.
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Excel Entertainment, teasing the special announcement, welcomed Kiara Advani to the Don universe with a social media post captioned, “Welcome to the Don universe Kiara Advani #Don3.” Although the announcement video keeps Kiara’s character under wraps, it assures fans that the franchise’s iconic theme tune remains intact, hinting at an exhilarating continuation.
Rumors of Kiara’s involvement in the franchise began circulating after her recent visit to the Excel Entertainment office. When questioned about her casting in ‘Don 3,’ Farhan Akhtar remained coy, stating, “Well, it’s all work in progress. I don’t wanna get ahead of myself and say something that I may have to take back for any other reason, but as and when it happens, you’ll know.”
With Kiara Advani’s addition to the cast, anticipation for ‘Don 3’ reaches new heights, promising an electrifying on-screen chemistry between the talented duo of Ranveer Singh and Kiara Advani.