Mumbai: In Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s latest film “Animal”, protagonist Ranvijay, played by Ranbir Kapoor, seeks aid from his cousins in Punjab to confront adversaries. Notably, Punjabi actress Sargun Mehta, recognizing Vanga’s attention to detail in depicting Sikh characters, lauded his portrayal in a recent interview. She commended the filmmaker for showcasing dignity in the killings of Punjabi characters throughout the film.
Sargun, in conversation with Siddharth Kannan, highlighted Vanga’s distinctive approach, stating, “The moment I stepped out of ‘Animal’, I noticed that none of the Punjabi characters were killed with their heads bowed and eyes lowered. Sandeep’s specialty lies in this detail. Whenever a Sardar was shot, they stood tall with pride, taking bullets to the chest.” She continued, “Even in the final shot at the Animal Park, the last Sardar facing death looks his assailant in the eye, devoid of fear. Sandeep recognized the essence of those singing ‘Arjan Vailly’… depicting valor, he couldn’t portray these men as mere victims. He meticulously researched every aspect.”
Addressing the film’s criticism of misogyny, Sargun questioned the reliance on films to impart life lessons. She remarked, “People often question, ‘What can films teach us?’ If this is the case, perhaps we should close schools. Cinema reflects realities existing in our world.” Regarding the flawed protagonist, she noted, “I found Ranbir’s character flawed, and Sandeep didn’t gloss over his mistakes. But I also witnessed a character who, despite his flaws, exhibits unwavering passion. While I don’t condone mistreatment of women and have confronted offenders myself, I recognize that entertainment and reality are distinct.”
Despite its global box office success, grossing Rs 917.82 crore, “Animal” garnered mixed reviews. Alongside Ranbir Kapoor, the film starred Anil Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Sunny Deol, and Tripti Dimri in key roles.