Indian PM Modi Confident in BJP’s Victory, Cites Pre-Election Foreign Invitations

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted on Sunday that he has already received invitations from foreign nations for July, August, and September, signaling confidence in the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) potential return to power before the general elections. Speaking at a party event in the national capital, he criticized the Congress for attempting to undermine the morale of the security forces by questioning the surgical strike and the Balakot air strike during his previous tenure as prime minister.

“The elections are yet to happen, but I already have invitations from foreign countries for July, August, and September. What does this signify? It indicates that other nations are also confident of the BJP government returning to power. They also recognize that ‘Aayega toh Modi hi’,” he affirmed.

PM Modi reiterated the BJP’s ambition to surpass 370 seats in the Lok Sabha elections, reminding party leaders and workers of this goal.

“Today, opposition leaders are rallying behind the slogan of ‘NDA sarkar 400 paar’. To achieve the NDA’s target of 400, the BJP must surpass the threshold of 370 seats,” he emphasized.

He accused the Congress of being indecisive regarding their stance on him.

“The Congress’s gravest mistake was its relentless efforts to undermine the morale of our security forces. They spared no effort to compromise India’s national security and strategic prowess… Five years ago, they obstructed the acquisition of Rafale jets for our Air Force… They cast doubts on the surgical strike conducted by our security forces. When the surgical strike took place, they demanded evidence… The Congress is in disarray… One faction within the Congress advocates for maximum hostility towards Modi, resorting to personal allegations… While other factions believe that abandoning hostility towards Modi would lead to even greater losses for the Congress,” he remarked.

PM Modi highlighted the significant improvement in India’s relations with Arab countries since assuming office.

“When I took office in 2014, many critics questioned my lack of experience beyond state-level politics. Doubts were cast over my foreign policy acumen. Recently, I visited the UAE and Qatar. The world witnesses the strengthening of our relations with numerous nations… Our ties have flourished in trade, tourism, and technology. Five Arab nations bestowed upon me their highest honors, which is not just my honor but the honor of all 1.4 billion countrymen,” he added.

Addressing the BJP’s National Convention in the capital, PM Modi emphasized that India has become a 3 trillion-dollar economy under his government’s leadership.

“India took nearly 60 years to achieve a 1 trillion-dollar economy. Even reaching the 2 trillion-dollar mark seemed daunting in 2014. Yet, within 10 years, we added an additional 2 trillion dollars to our economy. In 2014, India ranked 11th globally, but in just a decade, we climbed to the 5th position,” he stated.

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