Tensions escalate at the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu border as Indian police resort to firing tear gas to disperse protesting farmers amidst a massive demonstration. The farmers, who commenced their ‘Delhi Chalo’ protest march on Tuesday, faced resistance from law enforcement as they approached Shambhu.
Over 200 farmer unions decided to press ahead with the march following a crucial meeting between farmer leaders and Union ministers that ended without resolution late Monday night. Despite hours of dialogue, both sides failed to reach an agreement on key demands.
While the government claimed consensus on most issues and proposed a formula for resolving others through the formation of a committee, farmer leaders remained skeptical. Sarwan Singh Pandher, a prominent farmer leader, expressed disappointment with the government’s stance, citing a perceived lack of seriousness in addressing their demands.
In anticipation of the agitation, Delhi Police have heightened security measures, imposing restrictions on gatherings and fortifying borders to maintain order. The border crossings linking Delhi to its surrounding satellite towns witnessed heavy congestion due to numerous diversions ahead of the farmers’ march towards the national capital. Long lines of vehicles were observed at the Ghazipur and Chilla borders, leading to delays in traffic movement.
Key developments in the farmers’ protest include the decision to march despite inconclusive talks with Union ministers. Union Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda expressed optimism about the discussions, indicating a consensus on most issues and proposing a committee to address remaining concerns.
However, challenges persist as farmer leaders demand legal guarantees for minimum support price (MSP) and seek compensation for families of deceased farmers from previous protests. Meanwhile, security measures have been significantly enhanced across Delhi, with strict prohibitions on large gatherings and rallies imposed until March 12 by Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora.
Key Points Of this News
- Protest Escalation: Indian police use tear gas to disperse protesting farmers at the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu border amid a massive demonstration.
- ‘Delhi Chalo’ March: Over 200 farmer unions decide to press ahead with the ‘Delhi Chalo’ protest march after inconclusive talks with Union ministers.
- Dialogue Breakdown: Despite hours of discussion, both sides fail to reach an agreement on key demands, leading to skepticism among farmer leaders regarding the government’s commitment.
- Security Measures: Delhi Police ramp up security measures and impose restrictions on gatherings and border crossings in anticipation of the farmers’ agitation.
- Traffic Congestion: Border crossings linking Delhi to its satellite towns experience heavy congestion, causing delays in traffic movement.
- Key Developments: Farmer leaders announce the decision to march, while Union Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda expresses optimism about the talks and proposes a committee to address remaining concerns.
- Challenges Remain: Farmer leaders demand legal guarantees for minimum support price (MSP) and compensation for families of deceased farmers from previous protests.
- Security Tightening: Delhi Police impose strict prohibitions on large gatherings and rallies until March 12 to maintain order amidst heightened tensions.