Mumbai: The eagerly awaited trailer of “Showtime”, a thrilling new web series featuring Emraan Hashmi, has been unveiled by the makers. Joining Hashmi in this star-studded lineup are Mouni Roy, Shriya Saran, Rajeev Khandelwal, and Naseeruddin Shah, each playing pivotal roles. Created by Sumit Roy and helmed by directors Mihir Desai and Archit Kumar, with Mihir also serving as the showrunner, “Showtime” promises to offer viewers an intriguing glimpse into the behind-the-scenes world of Bollywood.
The trailer offers a tantalizing peek into the show’s narrative, delving into the inner workings and politics of the entertainment industry. Emraan Hashmi portrays a formidable producer determined to carve his name with blockbuster hits, stopping at nothing to achieve success. Rajeev Khandelwal takes on the role of an actor navigating the complexities of staying relevant in the cutthroat world of showbiz. The trailer hints at a pivotal confrontation between Emraan’s character and Rajeev’s, shedding light on the power struggles within the industry. Additionally, Mouni Roy’s character faces her own set of challenges as she navigates the competitive landscape of Bollywood.
“Showtime” is a production of Karan Johar’s Dharmatic Entertainment, the digital arm of Dharma Productions. Scheduled for release on Disney+ Hotstar on March 8, the series promises to captivate audiences with its gripping narrative and stellar performances.