Los Angeles: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, one of the entertainment industry’s most renowned couples, have been married for five years since their grand wedding in Rajasthan in December 2018. The couple exchanged vows in a lavish ceremony held at a palace in Jodhpur, incorporating both Indian and Catholic rituals, reportedly spending over Rs. 3.5 crore on the celebrations.
Recently, Nick Jonas appeared on a show with his brothers Kevin and Joe Jonas, where they underwent a lie detector test in a car. When asked if he ever felt overwhelmed with weddings, Nick humorously responded with a “yes,” jokingly attributing it to the wedding expenses.
Fans adore Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra’s chemistry both on and off screen, considering them as couple goals. The duo often supports each other publicly, with Nick earning the endearing title of ‘Jiju’ (brother-in-law) from Indian fans during the Jonas Brothers’ concert in Mumbai. Nick’s collaboration with King on ‘Tu Maan Meri Jaan’ further endeared him to the Indian audience.
Nick’s seamless adaptation to Indian culture, including his love for dosa, has also won him praise, with fans commending Priyanka Chopra for bridging the cultural gap.
Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra is gearing up for the second season of the international series ‘Citadel,’ streaming on Prime Video