Tokyo, Japan: An employee disguised as a man at a host club concept restaurant in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, has been arrested on charges of coercing customers into prostitution by demanding exorbitant fees and pressuring them to engage in illegal activities. The suspect, identified as 23-year-old Yuna Katsumata, denies the allegations.
According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Katsumata allegedly assaulted and threatened a 23-year-old female customer last December, compelling her to engage in prostitution in order to settle her outstanding bill for food and drinks at the establishment.
The incident has sent shockwaves through the bustling nightlife district of Kabukicho, known for its vibrant entertainment scene and host clubs. Authorities are urging businesses to adhere to the law and ensure the safety of their patrons. Further investigations into the matter are ongoing.